Are you ready to unlock the full profit potential of your practice?

Are you ready to unlock the full profit potential of your practice?

Elizabeth's expertise in dental practice management has been instrumental in driving our marketing success.

- T. Dybwad, TNT Dental

Providing excellent dentistry is not enough.

Because (like it or not) you’re not just a dentist, you’re an entrepreneur.

And if you want to build a profitable practice, you can’t afford to *just* be an exceptional dentist, you also need to think like a business owner. You can’t just work IN your practice, you need to work ON your practice.

If you’re struggling to make your practice more profitable, you are not alone.

The truth is... they didn't teach you this stuff in dental school. While all dental schools focus on clinical skills, most don't prepare you for the practice management side of owning and running your own business. That’s where I come in.

Over the last 25+ years as co-founder of Brookside Dental Care with my husband, Bryan Griffith DMD, we experienced the ebbs and flows of running a private practice.

We have asked these questions: ​

After years of struggle, we realized something had to be done, and it started with us.

We had to become intentional about educating ourselves and seeking help.

We were blessed to work with excellent consultants. We implemented new systems and workflows, adjusted our practice model, and got clear on how we could optimize all of our resources within the practice to deliver more efficient care to our patients.

We discovered how profitable Comprehensive Dentistry could be, and it transformed our practice and changed our lives.

After decades of implementing and perfecting our systems, I’ve taken the best of what I learned about running a successful practice and packaged it into my signature program: Optimal Care, Optimal Profits.


Pre-Visit Data Collection and Analysis

This will give us a pulse on your business and an objective starting point to work from. 


5-Day In-Office Training

Five days of “all hands on deck” coaching that’s customized to your office’s unique needs so you can immediately begin implementing the strategies.


OCOP Training Manual, Resources

Workbook-style resources that you and your team can use as you learn and implement your new strategies. 


Working Genius Assessment

A quick and easy assessment to reveal your team member’s unique skills and strengths. This will allow you to create a team that collaborates and communicates well to successfully achieve the goals of the practice.  


Collaborative Work through a Project Management System

This will keep us organized, track progress, and allow us to visualize the goals we are reaching in your dental practice.


One-Day In-Office Follow-Up

A 6-month check-in to provide accountability, encouragement, and strategic direction.


6 Monthly Strategy Calls

For ongoing accountability and access to me. I will support your practice as you take steps to grow and transform! 

"Elizabeth is passionate about helping dentists thrive."

- Hyden Pediatric Dentistry

“Optimal Care, Optimal Profits” is a 5-day in-office training program delivered in three strategic parts: observation, training and implementation.


I will observe your day-to-day operations, assess your current systems and identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement. I will also meet your team, get to know them and engage them in the process.


I will teach you and your team proven systems, workflows and strategies. Every member of your practice will walk away with a clear understanding of their role in the new systems.


I will support you in putting into practice the foundational pieces of the new systems. This includes things like: creating your ideal schedule, presenting a comprehensive treatment plan and formulating a financial presentation.

I know how hard it can be to ask for help and bring an outside person into your practice. That’s why this program is designed and delivered with care, compassion and collaboration.

As I like to say, when you work with me you will have my expertise, my friendship and my prayers.

Why Optimal Care, Optimal Profits?

Optimal care

because I help you elevate and optimize your patients’ experience with your practice.

Optimal profits

because I help you implement systems and workflows that maximize your revenue.

Because better patient care and better profits go hand in hand.

"Elizabeth is truly talented in her ability to analyze and improve a practice. Her recommendations have made significant impacts in the productivity and overall efficiency of our office."

- C. Carter DMD

After working with me, you and your team will:

Why work with me?

I’m uniquely positioned to help you because I’ve been exactly where you are. I remember what it feels like to have unrealized hopes and dreams. I remember feeling the weight of unpaid bills, student loans and mortgages.

I‘ve experienced firsthand the fears and frustrations that come with running a dental practice, but I also know that with the right help, your practice can support your dreams, fund your lifestyle and serve your patients at the highest level.

I know that dentistry can be what sucks the life out of you, or it can be the conduit the Lord uses to bless you, your family, your team, your patients, and your community. It may be hard to believe right now because you are head down, with your nose to the grindstone and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but private practice dentistry can be rewarding and fruitful.

I’d love to show you the path forward so you can finally have the practice you’ve always dreamed of.